Thursday 1 September 2011

Captain America: The Last Avenger

Before I rate this next movie, I'd just like to say that I was never a big fan of the Captain America comics so sorry if I sound completely ignorant.

Captain America

So this movie started with a young kid named Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, who wanted to help out in war basically because be believes he can do more with his life. If it were me, I wouldn't want to be out in the freezing cold putting my life on the line, but he still wants to fight the power. So Steve Rogers has by the time the movie starts, failed to get accepted as a soldier five times. He then tries one more time and gets noticed by this scientist, Ebraham Erskine. Erskine accepts him into the like highest class of soldiers. One of those soldiers will become a "super-soldier" with unnatural powers. Steve Rogers is then surrounded by about twelve other guys who could easily pound him to the ground. Erskine believes that Rogers is the best for this experiment not because of his strength, but his smarts and output on life. Steve Rogers becomes Captain America.

Captain America with the help of Peggy Carter, bacially one of the generals in the war in charge of Rogers, attack posts full of german soilders. Red Skull ends up at the destroyed post right after Captain America leaves. After that there are all these scenes with fighting and what not. One of the things I really loved about this movie was red skulls costume. The costume was pretty well done.

Red Skull

So, now let me get to the most ridiculous part of the whole movie, the ending. So Captain America is crashing down this airplane full of nuclear weapons and if he doesn't "put the plane down" it will kill all these people in New York. So then he crashes the plane into some iceburg, and right before he "fake-dies" he is talking to Peggy Carter and they make a date and she is crying and all depressed her boyfriend was about to die. Then he crashes into the iceburg and everything turns white.

Then like a minute later he wakes up in this like room and then he busts out of it and finds out he was sixty years in the future and then the very first thing he says, which I found pretty unbelievable, is: "I had a date"

Now this movie was not very boring, but seemed lacking. I'd only suggest it if you have read the comics and love to watch people get blown up and get their heads cut clean off. Mabye it was just me, but when you make a movie based on a book/comic it should make at least a bit of sense for the people that haven't watched it. I know batman made sense to people who haven't read the comics, same thing with spiderman, but this made absolutly no sense to me. I had no idea what was going on. And if you ask me Captain America would have been better if he actually just died in the end by the iceburg instead of coming back alive "somehow" in the future. I had no idea who that Nick Furry man was at the end with the eyepatch. I didn't understand how anyone could live sixty years and not age. Mabye his body froze in an iceburg I don't know but the movie felt quite a bit rough. The movie honestly was somewhat a downfall from Marvel.
I've seen better.
My Rating: 6.5/10